risks of chatgpt

Commercial use of ChatGPT? In recent years, ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, has gained popularity as a rising generative AI service worldwide. Various tasks can be performed by it, including summarizing texts and programming, but it needs to be used carefully to avoid copyright issues.

You may infringe on a third party’s copyright if you choose the wrong ChatGPT training data. Information and data you input must also be protected by copyrights, not just the content output by ChatGPT.

This article aims to explain how ChatGPT handles copyright and how to use it safely without violating it. This article will explain the knowledge required to use ChatGPT safely and effectively at a time when generative AI tools are becoming more critical.

Commercial use of ChatGPT

ChatGPT texts can be used commercially without any problem, according to OpenAI. OpenAI’s official website states the following terms of use:

“An input (“Input”) is provided to the Service, and Output (“Output”) is generated based on the input. OpenAI assigns to you all rights and interests in and to the Output, subject to your compliance with the Terms of Use. Input and Output are collectively referred to as “Content”. You can use the content for commercial purposes such as publishing, subject to the Terms of Use.”

OpenAI ChatGPT Terms and Conditions

If users comply with the terms and conditions, ChatGPT allows them to use the output content for any purpose, including commercial use. Additionally, input questions, outputs (answers obtained through dialogue), and productions are, in principle, the copyrighted works of the user.

In terms of input and output content, OpenAI does not waive any rights. For purposes such as providing and maintaining services, ChatGPT may use information regarding input and output content not related to ChatGPT’s API services.

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AI technology has also evolved rapidly, so service terms are constantly being updated. If you use this Service for commercial purposes, please check the terms and conditions periodically.

When is ChatGPT suspected of copyright infringement?

Generally, ChatGPT users own the copyright to the content they create, but if the content is similar or similar to existing content, it may constitute copyright infringement. ChatGPT would output something similar if it had been learning existing content because it generates Output based on learning data.

The Output may have been generated by someone else using ChatGPT before you used ChatGPT to develop it. The user may be considered infringing a copyright if they use the product for commercial purposes without knowing.

Using ChatGPT may violate copyright

In the case of ChatGPT text being used without checking for similarities with existing books or articles, copyright infringement is more likely to occur.

It learns vast data and generates sentences based on that information. The generated text may infringe on copyrights if the learning data contains copyrighted content.

In addition, even if a user is unaware of the content or existence of a copyrighted work, ChatGPT may be considered to violate copyrights if it refers to or outputs that work. There is no doubt in my mind.

Before using generated content, ensure it doesn’t contain duplicate content using a copy content checking tool, etc.

Copyrighted images

Books, website articles, images, and music may infringe the copyright.

On its official blog, the YouTube platform also announced new measures on November 14, 2023. Synthetic content generated by AI will be required to disclose its origin in the coming months, and if the content is not compliant, it may be removed.

As part of our announcement, we will also add a feature allowing users to request deletion of AI-generated music content that mimics the creator’s voice or music. Copyrighted content must be handled with care on ChatGPT regardless of the type of content.

The prompt as it is

In ChatGPT, you can create specific sentences using prompts, which are standard instructions. Use of this prompt without modification may constitute copyright infringement if it contains copyright.

ChatGPT may infringe on someone’s copyright if the prompt you enter contains copyrighted material. Additionally, ChatGPT may use the information you enter for training.

Summarizing or modifying someone else’s copyrighted work without permission may also constitute copyright infringement.

Use ChatGPT with care to avoid infringement.

Using ChatGPT, precautions should be taken to prevent infringement of copyright. Input stage and output stage points will be discussed.

Verifying the copyright of input data

Ensure you are not using someone else’s copyrighted material when entering questions or instructions into ChatGPT. There may be similarities or dependencies between the content or data sent to ChatGPT and the generated content.

In this case, a copyright holder’s permission is required. Make sure everything is OK before using publicly available information by checking the terms and conditions of the source or official website.

When inputting, be careful not to use too much of other people’s copyrighted works and keep it to a minimum.

Content copyright confirmation

You must confirm the copyright before using content generated with ChatGPT. The output data of ChatGPT may contain copyrighted works even if the input information is not itself copyrighted. Furthermore, since AI technology still needs improvement, some cases involve utilizing existing content to extract text and data.

Check the ChatGPT results against the content on the web using a human eye or with a checking tool. In addition, you are more likely to spot errors related to copyright if you cross-check with someone other than the creator, such as a colleague, boss, or third party.


In ChatGPT’s terms, the author owns the generated content, which can be used commercially. As a result, its use will continue to expand for personal and business purposes. For copyright protection, the content obtained through ChatGPT and the information entered must be handled carefully.

Copyrighted works can be used for AI learning, but this might change as laws evolve to keep up with technology. Ensure that you understand the terms of use and policies and do not infringe on copyrights.

Introducing AI services to your company is as easy as requesting bulk documents through the ChatGPT collaboration service.

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