cyber security

Cybersecurity refers to measures to protect digitized information data, software, systems, networks, computers, etc. From threats such as cyberattacks.

In digital environments with high-security risks such as malware and unauthorized access, emphasis has been placed on cybersecurity. This is different from traditional information security measures.

Furthermore, with the advent of telework, digital transformation, globalization, etc., risks have become even more familiar to all companies in recent years. Strengthening cybersecurity has become an urgent need.

However, it is essential to keep in mind that it is challenging to shield an organization from cyberattacks and other threats through ad hoc measures like installing security software alone.

By understanding the basics of cybersecurity we will introduce here, you can strengthen security measures to be improved in your company’s environment.

If we cannot prevent cyber-attacks, the impact can be immeasurable, including information leaks, system outages, and economic losses. It is basic to check cybersecurity thoroughly to take the most effective preventative measures.

What is cybersecurity? Cyber security as a service

Cybersecurity aims to protect the digital environment from malicious attacks, including digitized information. Security software must be installed, and access to and from the server location must be controlled.

Small and medium-sized businesses spend less than $3,500 on security measures, while large businesses spend $1055, according to a Small and Medium Enterprise Agency survey. Between 100 $ and 14000 $ was the most widely recognized scope of organization reactions.

Why cybersecurity is necessary

Cyber security is essential in digital environments because they are more vulnerable to attacks, and their damage is more severe.

Cyber-attacks can target anyone with access to the internet. When browsing sites and downloading data at work, for example, there is a risk of being attacked, so it is difficult to prevent attacks without appropriate measures.

Taking out digital data without taking up space is easy, so unauthorized removal by internal criminals is low, which is why cybersecurity is essential.

It can cause significant damage in many areas, including. Losses include costs associated with investigating the scope and cause of the data leak, decreased sales due to business interruption, and compensation for damages. The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications estimates the total cost at 1400000 $ per company.

How to improve cybersecurity

Cybersecurity can be improved through networks, software, systems, and information management.

  • Network: Safely communicating through network lines.
  • Software system: Identify and prevent vulnerabilities in software that could be exploited.
  • Information management: Keep your information assets safe from leaks or tampering.

It is impossible to prevent damage from cyber-attacks even if security is ensured in one area. Be careful. It is necessary.

It would help if you combined several cybersecurity measures based on the environment in which your company operates.

Why is cybersecurity critical for preventing cyber attacks?

Different types of cyberattacks require cybersecurity countermeasures, such as unauthorized access, DDoS attacks, and attacks that target vulnerabilities. Here are some typical examples of cyber attacks and trends we can expect shortly.

Typical examples of cyber attacks

Unauthorized access

A person who does not have access authority accesses a system or information without permission, for example, by obtaining an ID or password illegally.

By repeatedly attempting logins with various combinations of passwords, a brute force attack is carried out to determine a password.

Many users reuse passwords and use IDs and passwords specified on one website to gain unauthorized access to another website.

DDoS attack

Systems are brought down by attacks that significantly load networks and servers.

The techniques include sending large amounts of traffic and monopolizing TCP sessions.

Attacks targeting vulnerabilities

They are attacking OS, applications, websites, etc., and bugs (vulnerabilities) for malfunctions or data leaks.

Input of invalid data causes the system to malfunction due to a buffer overflow attack.

Using the SQL query language, an SQL injection attack steals or alters information by giving illegal commands to the database.

Targeted attack

Targeted attack that seeks to steal account numbers and personal/confidential information from a specific company, etc.

Email attachments and linked URLs are often used to plant malware in attacks.

Scattered attack

The use of fake emails or fake websites to steal account or credit card information from unspecified people.

Email and website phishing scams

Consider what a cyber attack looks like as a reference when considering cybersecurity measures.

Cyber attack trends in recent years

Recent years have seen an increase in cyber attacks, especially ransomware incidents. Ransomware damage increased from July to December, according to the Cabinet Cyber Security Center’s survey “Cybersecurity 2022”. The increase is four times greater than last year.

Since February 2022, the malware “Emotet” has been increasing. Infecting via email, Emotet hijacks infected devices and sends infected emails to other addresses.

A scary aspect of Emotet is that it can become the target of various cyberattacks once infected.

Cybersecurity is performed technically, humanly, and physically

Three perspectives are necessary to make cybersecurity measures effective.

    Technical measures

    Cyber security measures use digital technologies such as IT tools to improve security. The following steps are specifically taken.

    • Systems for two-factor authentication and access control
    • Management of access logs
    • Data encryption at rest
    • Backups should be performed regularly
    • To prevent virus intrusion, firewalls are introduced
    • Regularly updating OS and software to address vulnerabilities

    The implementation of technical measures can help prevent damage caused by cybersecurity risks such as cyber attacks.

    Human resources measures

    Human security measures for cybersecurity include raising security awareness among employees and ensuring thorough implementation of countermeasures.

    • Examples of human resources measures in practice
    • Cybersecurity and cyber attacks training is provided.
    • Keep a checklist of things to avoid in your work, such as opening suspicious emails and downloading data from unknown sources.
    • Keep personal devices out of the office, and don’t connect them to company systems.
    • Educate everyone on what to do in case of a cyber attack.

    Human measures can increase the effectiveness of technical standards. Despite antivirus software and two-factor authentication, it will not be possible to prevent attacks if employees open suspicious emails and introduce viruses.

    Physical measures

    The physical measures include installing servers and system infrastructure in a highly secure location and ensuring thorough data management.

    • Examples of physical measures in practice
    • Place servers and systems in earthquake- and fire-resistant locations.
    • IC cards control access to and exit from servers and system installation locations.
    • Installing surveillance cameras and security guards
    • Management of locks thoroughly

    As well as external intruders, ensuring that malicious employees cannot access servers, etc., and ensuring that the system is not affected even in the event of a disaster. Receiving should be avoided.

    Points to ensure cybersecurity

    To increase cybersecurity effectiveness, keep these three points in mind.

    The three points of cybersecurity

    • Implement the three primary measures thoroughly first
    • Awareness of security should be increased
    • Third-party perspectives should be incorporated

    Specifically, we will explain how you can improve your cybersecurity.

    Implement the three primary measures thoroughly first

    To ensure cyber security, many steps must be taken. Three basic measures should be taken first: In the beginning, it would be better to implement them without fail rather than halfheartedly taking multiple steps.

    • Make sure your OS and software are up-to-date to prevent vulnerabilities
    • Measures to prevent unauthorized access to IDs and passwords
    • Make sure your computer is virus-free

    When a program is attacked, a vulnerability can easily cause adverse effects. System outages, malfunctions, and information leaks can result from attacks targeting vulnerabilities. Remember to update your OS and software properly to eliminate this vulnerability.

    To prevent unauthorized access, it is essential to manage IDs and passwords thoroughly. No matter how many security systems you install to prevent unauthorized access, your ID and password will remain known. Ensure your ID and password aren’t leaked, and avoid using easy-to-guess passwords.

    You can detect and eliminate malicious programs in advance by installing antivirus software and systems, so be sure to install them.

    Awareness of security should be increased.

    Adequate security measures require employees to be aware of security issues.

    If you raise your security awareness, you may remember to update your operating system or software or inadvertently leak IDs, passwords, and other confidential information. As a result, you may end up being left behind.

    Consider providing training to ensure that the importance of security measures is conveyed, rather than simply handing out manuals.

    Third-party perspectives should be incorporated.

    We recommend using a security check service if you need your company’s security clarification.

    A security check identifies systems, servers, networks, etc. vulnerabilities and provides countermeasures.

    We can learn about configuration deficiencies and high-risk areas by having security diagnosed by a third party. This is a benefit.

    If you currently use a cloud service, please perform a security check. Check it out!

    Building a solid cyber security environment with NTT East’s cloud

    Please consider NTT East’s cloud implementation and operation for AWS/Microsoft Azure if you are looking for a safe cloud in terms of cybersecurity. We offer security-focused cloud services on a one-stop basis at NTT East so that you can simultaneously reduce security risks and personnel burdens.

    The cloud and the line are secured simultaneously so that you can feel safe.

    The cloud implementation and operation of NTT East for AWS and Microsoft Azure allows you to receive all cloud-related support in one place. Rest assured that we can provide you with advice about the security aspects of the cloud service you are introducing and the line that connects to the cloud service.

    If you are concerned about its safety, you can combine your current line with the cloud and migrate to a bar with complete security.

    We can also reduce the risk of information leakage due to inadvertent setting errors by leaving the environment settings that directly relate to security to us.

    With a focus on cybersecurity, NTT East’s cloud implementation and operation for AWS/Microsoft Azure provides one-stop support that ensures no countermeasure is overlooked.

    Support is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, even after the installation.

    The NTT East’s “Cloud introduction and operation for AWS/Microsoft Azure” is recommended if you are concerned about security. You can reduce personnel burdens and security risks by receiving a wide range of operational support, including security.

    Details of NTT East’s cloud operation support


    Monitoring of status, resources, service processes, and logs

    Monitoring communication/PaaS status/monitoring system alert notification

    Reception failure/first response failure

    Reception of failures, isolation of failure locations, and primary response to failures

    Operation agency

    Change in retirement support/virtual server type

    Creating images/backups/changing volume sizes

    On the server, you can stop, start, reboot, apply OS security patches, etc..

    Save time and implement reliable cybersecurity measures with cloud professional operational support.


    Cybersecurity refers to protecting digital environments from cyberattacks and other threats. Unlike information security, it focuses on protecting digitalized information and systems.

    Cyberattacks can be classified as unauthorized access, DDoS attacks, and attacks targeting vulnerabilities, targeted attacks, and disseminated attacks. Taking optimal countermeasures requires checking the latest attack status.

    The attacks on digitized information are brutal to prevent without countermeasures, and once they occur, companies suffer significant losses. Learn the basics of cybersecurity and incorporate them into your security measures by taking advantage of this opportunity.

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