Edge AI

How to Use Edge AI

Where does edge AI actually get used? The usage scenarios and examples of edge AI will be discussed in detail from here.

Reference Articles : What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Discover the Mind-Blowing Power of AI!

1. Cars that drive themselves

An example of a usage scene where edge AI is expected to play a significant role is autonomous driving. According to some experts, autonomous driving will only be possible in the near future thanks to the “high-speed processing” of edge AI.

In autonomous driving, AI uses image recognition to identify vehicles, pedestrians, traffic lights, etc., in front and makes decisions based on that information. Since many cars travel at speeds over 40km/h, a delay of just 0.1 seconds can be fatal. It is, therefore, not possible to determine the situation instantly if a pedestrian runs out onto the road or a car is about to collide with another car if data is processed over the Internet.

Moreover, autonomous driving must be able to respond flexibly to changes in driving conditions in order to continue being safe. Changing the tires on a car may alter the way it moves, for example. Therefore, it is essential to learn to drive according to the extent of tire wear.

Thus, “real-time performance” is particularly needed in data processing for automated driving, so data must be processed close to the site. The focus of attention was on edge AI.

When edge AI is installed in a self-driving car, the car will be able to analyze images and make decisions on its own. With cloud AI, communication time lag is eliminated, which has been an issue.

2. The manufacturing industry uses robots.

The manufacturing industry is also starting to use edge AI actively. Robots in the industrial sector are a typical example. By introducing edge AI to industrial robots, inferences can be made in real-time, making it possible to control the robots more accurately.

A labor shortage caused by a declining birthrate and an aging population has led to an increase in automation by robots, so it is for this reason that industrial robots will benefit significantly from introducing edge AI.

3. Crop prediction with smart agriculture

In the agricultural field, which at first glance appears to have little connection with AI, edge AI is also being used. The use of edge AI cameras for crop prediction is one example. With cameras equipped with edge AI, it is possible to make more accurate harvest predictions, as well as monitor and predict the weather.

It is becoming more and more challenging to find qualified workers in agriculture, so improving operational efficiency and productivity in this way could be of great benefit.

4. Detecting abnormal ATM operations is one of its uses in the financial industry.

In the financial industry, edge AI is also being used. Some Beiyo Bank branches have implemented remittance fraud countermeasures using edge AI solutions.

Using edge AI, a camera can detect people operating ATMs while making a phone call and alert bank staff, helping to prevent bank transfer fraud. This solution also reduces the risk of privacy information leaks since it analyzes camera footage without recording it.

5. Autopilot for drones

Autopilot for drones
Autopilot for drones Credit : Freepik

Drones also use edge AI. Enhanced auto-piloting is possible with edge computing.

A characteristic of Edge AI is its short communication time lag, which enables it to detect and avoid obstacles automatically, assess situations quickly, and take photos automatically. Agricultural products can, therefore, be checked by drones, and security can be strengthened during events.

6. Make your smartphone’s data usage as small as possible.

The use of edge AI can be seen in smartphones, which are widely used by many people. By processing data before sending it to the Internet, it is possible to send only the amount of data necessary when handling large amounts of data, such as videos.

7. Customer management and analysis of people flows.

The use of edge AI is also prevalent in commercial facilities that are visited by a large number of people every day. Edge AI is used in commercial facilities to analyze the flow of people and to understand the number of people.

You will be able to prevent the spread of the new Coronavirus if you understand the flow of people and how many people are coming to your store. Using this technology allows customers to visit stores with greater peace of mind and avoid crowds while shopping while enjoying their shopping experience.

Edge AI Development Company

1. Google

The $150 one-board computer “Coral Dev Board” was announced by Google in 2019. The Coral Dev Board is a one-board computer for utilizing AI at the edge and is equipped with “Edge TPU,”” a machine-learning accelerator.

Reference Article : Machine Learning Development Services

2. Apple


The Apple Company is one of the leading AI developers along with Google. As part of our edge AI business, we have acquired Xnor.ai, a startup working on edge AI, for approximately $150000000.

There are high expectations following the acquisition of Xnor.ai because it has the potential to enable machine learning processes to be conducted on devices.

3. Microsoft

One of the company’s actively developing edge AI is Microsoft. It gained a lot of attention in 2018 by announcing new AI technology for edge and cloud computing.

Microsoft’s AI for Accessibility program, announced in 2018, will invest $25 million over five years to empower more than 1 billion people with disabilities around the globe.



As part of our mission to create a faster, more intelligent world, NVIDIA develops AI solutions at the edge. As part of our vision, edge AI will be used not only in retail and manufacturing (factory sites) but also in traffic safety, enhancing operational efficiency and safety in various ways.

5. Macnica


Macnica Co., Ltd. which provides semiconductors, networks, cyber security, and AI/IoT services, is also developing edge AI. Our collaboration with Advantech and Allxon to implement large-scale edge AI remote management in various environments gained us a lot of attention in 2020.

Multiple platforms can be managed remotely, including those not running Windows/Intel.

Reference Article : What is IoT? Which of the following is true of internet-of-things devices

6. Konica Minolta

Konica Minolta
Konica Minolta

In addition to its Edge AI Camera MOBOTIX 7 Series, Konica Minolta is developing edge AI-related businesses. Konica Minolta has developed a strength in “image technology” over its long history, which has been combined with AI and IoT technology to develop as a strength. Our company is evolving into a long-standing service provider.

The technology developed by Konica Minolta is currently being used for a variety of purposes, including occupational safety, motion counting, and secret detection.



EDGEMATRIX Co., Ltd., headquartered in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, is a company that handles the reduction, management, and expansion of edge AI. In addition to devices, services, security measures, and installation work, we also provide one-stop shopping services.

Using AI to analyze video, we are developing a variety of services and attracting a lot of attention as a company that introduces and operates edge AI.

Future challenges and opportunities in edge AI

Edge AI is essential in this modern era, where AI is being introduced at an accelerated pace in a variety of industries. We should not forget that Edge AI has tremendous potential, but there is a limit to the amount of calculations that can be performed due to the limited power of the device.

This issue could be resolved in the future as AI technology continues to develop. The evolution of edge AI cannot be ignored.

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