Internet of things

IoT stands for “Internet of Things.” Smart speakers, smart homes, and self-driving cars have become commonplace in recent years. Along with AI and big data, it has become one of the most critical factors in promoting DX (digital transformation).

Although many people know the word “IoT,” few truly understand how it works and what it means. Consequently, this article will explain how the Internet of Things works. Using examples of how it can be applied to DX, this article will explain how the Internet of Things works.

What is IoT (Internet of Things)?

How can we use IoT? 

The term IoT must first be understood before we can appreciate the possibilities it will bring in the future.

Meaning of IoT

About 20 years ago, accessing the Internet from a computer at home or work was only possible. Still, with the rapid development of digital and communication technology, it is now possible to connect to the Internet from a mobile device, such as a smartphone or tablet.

As society has become more digitalized, IoT, the technology that connects household appliances and cars to the Internet, is attracting more attention.

M2M (Machine to Machine) was a method of connecting things even before the term IoT became prevalent. That’s what happened. M2M, on the other hand, is not connected to the Internet but only exchanges information between machines through sensor networks, etc. Alternatively, with IoT, things can communicate with each other so that information can be sent and received.

In various fields and areas, the Internet of Things can be used to measure and control objects remotely and communicate between them.

How IoT works

In addition to home appliances such as air conditioners and refrigerators, cars and buses, and factory equipment, IoT technology is also being used in various other areas.

The IoT targets objects equipped with sensors, cameras, and wireless communication that detect the state and movement of things and collect data about them. Internet-enabled devices transmit data to people and things via the Internet, which is the primary mechanism of IoT.

Which of the following is true of internet-of-things devices

Furthermore, let’s take a closer look at IoT usage examples in each field.

IoT in Healthcare

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